

This project showcases a Rust-based framework designed for interacting with multiple AI agents. The framework provides an extensible and modular architecture, allowing users to instantiate, interact with, and manage different types of AI-driven agents with ease.


Multi-Agent Management

  • Supports multiple agents, each with distinct personalities and capabilities.
  • Agents can be dynamically added, removed, and modified.

Versatile Agent Roles

Agents can function in different modes:

  • Chat Mode: Standard AI conversation.
  • Coder Mode: AI optimized for programming-related interactions.
  • Twitter Mode: AI tailored for social media interactions.

Agents can switch between these modes dynamically, allowing for flexible usage.

Import & Export Functionality

  • Agents can be saved and loaded from files, allowing users to persist and restore configurations.
  • Supports easy integration with external data sources.


Running the Showcase


  • Running the program initializes a list of AI agents and prints the system logo.

Agent Interaction

  • Users can chat with an agent by specifying its index.
  • Agents can switch between different roles dynamically.

Data Persistence

  • Agents can be exported for future use.
  • Previously saved agents can be imported and used immediately.

Example Implementations

Coding Agent - Simple Addition

// Example showing the coding agent building a simple Rust program that adds two numbers together
use agents::gpt4free::GPT4FreeAgent;
use agents::agent_trait::AgentTrait;

async fn main() {
    let mut agent = GPT4FreeAgent::new("builder");
    let command = "!build:adder.rs build me a rust program that will add together two user inputs and then print the result";
    match agent.send_message(command).await {
        Ok(reply) => println!("GPT: {}", reply),
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),

Coding Agent - Hello World

// Example showing the coding agent building a simple Rust program that prints "Hello, World!" to the console
use agents::gpt4free::GPT4FreeAgent;
use agents::agent_trait::AgentTrait;

async fn main() {
    let mut agent = GPT4FreeAgent::new("builder");
    let command = "!build:hello_world.rs build me a hello world program in rust";
    match agent.send_message(command).await {
        Ok(reply) => println!("GPT: {}", reply),
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),

Import & Export Agents

// Example showing how to export and import an agent with verifications
use agents::gpt4free::GPT4FreeAgent;
use std::error::Error;
use agents::agent_trait::AgentTrait;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let mut agent = GPT4FreeAgent::new("dummy");
    agent.add_system_msg("You are a Rust expert.");
    let export_path = "export/dummy.agent";
    println!("Agent exported to {}", export_path);
    let imported_agent = GPT4FreeAgent::import_from_file(export_path)?;
    println!("Agent imported from {}", export_path);
    assert_eq!(agent.get_model(), imported_agent.get_model());
    assert_eq!(agent.get_provider(), imported_agent.get_provider());
    assert_eq!(agent.get_temperature(), imported_agent.get_temperature());
    assert_eq!(agent.get_max_tokens(), imported_agent.get_max_tokens());
    assert_eq!(agent.get_system_messages(), imported_agent.get_system_messages());
    assert_eq!(agent.is_coder_agent(), imported_agent.is_coder_agent());
    println!("Exported and imported successfully!");

Posting a Tweet

// This example shows how a user can post a tweet
use utils::post_twitter::post_tweet;

async fn main() {
    let consumer_key = "your_api_key";
    let consumer_secret = "your_api_secret";
    let access_token = "your_access_token";
    let access_token_secret = "access_token_secret";
    let tweet_text = "allowing agents to post directly on X";
    match post_tweet(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, tweet_text).await {
        Ok(()) => println!("Successfully posted tweet!"),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to post tweet: {}", e),


This showcase highlights the capabilities of this Rust framework for AI agent interaction. By providing a structured and extensible approach to managing intelligent agents, it opens the door for numerous real-world applications, from automation to AI-powered assistance.

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